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Meet Edmar Janssens

Integrated Male has been developed by me, Edmar Janssens (1970). I am a certified No More Mr. Nice Guy Coach and Mindfulness Trainer, and an associate teacher within Mantak Chia’s Universal Tao school.

I work as lawyer and entrepreneur in the e-commerce world, and currently I prioritize my business as web shop advisor over coaching men. I have created this website to share my ideas in an efficient way.

I have struggled for many years to understand why my relationships failed. As a result I tried to figure out why my approach to women, work, friendship and life was unsatisfying. It took me 8 years of Tantra, 8 years of Taoist practice, a year of therapy and lots of reading, practicing, trials and errors to find out one simple message. A message I am set out to share with men around the world. The pith of my message is:

"Stop fixing yourself, stop fixing others, start finding out what you desire and check why the world is not yet reflecting this, then change your reality one step at the time.  In short: Take responsibility and reclaim your balls."

This message is woven into the items that I will share online, covering -often sensitive- topics like, learning how to authentically talk dirty, how to practice integrity, how to stop being a people pleaser, how to deal with domestic arguments and how to reclaim your balls.

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